Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stubbornness and Self-righteousness - What stubbornness and self-righteousness gets me

Stubbornness and Self-righteousness

If I would have had
any idea
how much trouble
stubbornness and self-righteousness
have caused me so far,
if I would have stood back
and looked at my decisions
from a distance and with some rationale,
I would have recognized
what sneaky enemies they were.
How many relationships were hurt,
how many decisions were wrong,
because I was stubborn
and thought I would know everything better.
I was so convinced of myself,
that I did not give
the other person any chance.
They ended up being right after all
and then my ego was hurt
and the entire relationship
went down the hill.
I did not want to even consider
what he tried to tell me.
I was offensive
every time they doubted my abilities.
It was best to just leave me alone.
Deep inside of me
I was totally insecure,
but my mask fit well
and I thought no one knew.
I was not willing to take it off.
Honesty and self-righteousness
just do not fit together
and a stubborn heart
cannot listen.
Oh do I wish
I would have realized
a long time ago,
that those two attributes
are not my friends.

Theme:   What stubbornness and self-righteousness gets me

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