Monday, July 13, 2015

Only after - Attitude toward loving one another

Only after

Only after I put down my anger,
only after I forbid myself to rage,
only after I stopped pointing fingers
and accusing the other person
for their wrongdoings
could I start to shine
as YOUR light.

Only after that did I understand
that the other person
did not have the same prerequisites as I do.

Only after that did I understand
that his love tank
has long been depleted
and he has been
blowing out of the last whistle.

Only after that
did passion replace  the anger.
Only after that could I learn to love those
who I declared to be unlovable
in my mind.

How should I be salt for the earth
and a light in this dark world
when I am only busy judging?

Oh Lord forgive me
my pride
and that all to often
I have exalted myself
to be the judge.

Only after I began
to be gracious with the other person
did God begin
to let HIS light
shine through me.

Theme:    Attitude toward loving one another

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