Sunday, December 2, 2018

Arrival - Did Jesus arrive in me as well?


Lord Jesus
YOU arrived in our world
as a human being
more than 2000 years ago.

YOU came down from heaven
into our darkness
into our chaos.

You did not spare
any suffering
or pain:

Born in a stable,
lonely and forsaken
having to flee in young years
due to a jealous ruler,
later frequently mobbed
by the religious leaders
who also sought after YOUR life,
betrayed by a close confidant
all the way to the shameful
death on the cross.

YOU were not spared
any sorrow.
All of that
YOU took upon YOURSELF
because YOU love me
and knock at my hearts door
and want to be
my personal savior.

YOUR arrival here
in this world
served the purpose
to restore my broken relationship
to my heavenly father.

YOU arrived in this world
We remember this arrival
every year anew.
YOU came for me.
YOU took all that suffering
upon YOURSELF for me.
YOU stand in front of my hearts door
and knock at it.

YOU want to be my savior.
But did YOU really arrive in my heart?

Lord Jesus
I don’t want to hesitate much longer
and open my hearts door for YOU
because that was the whole purpose
of YOUR arrival
in this world.

Theme:   Did Jesus arrive in me as well?

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