Saturday, December 10, 2022

Hope in despair - There is still hope for today

Hope in despair



There was great despair

during the time

when Jesus was born.


Israel couldn’t govern themselves

but was occupied by the Romans.

For the purpose of increasing the taxation

they started a census.


Mary and Joseph

had to leave their home in Nazareth

and while being very pregnant

find their way to Bethlehem.


The despair was also great

upon arrival there

because no one offered them

any housing and they had to be

satisfied with a stinky stable.


Far away from their actual residence,

far away from friends and relatives,

far from any protection and hygiene

the savior of the world

was born.


He who owned everything

saw the light of the world

in the most insignificant places

of the world.


He, who is the hope of the world,

arrived in the midst of the greatest



If Mary and Joseph did not exactly know

who it was that was going to see

the light of the world

they would have probably despaired

in their unfortunate situation.


But they had hope.

They knew it was the king of the world

that was going to be born.


Even today,

no matter how hopeless and desperate

our current situation is,

no matter how much fear

the media is injecting in us,

no matter what happens to our economy

our perspective reaches

far beyond the here and now

if we focus on Jesus,

know his words

and allow us to be lead

and guided by him.


He is still the light of the world.

The darker things get all around us

the brighter he shines.

His words and deeds are in sharp contrast

to anything that currently happens

in this world.


His words in God’s Word

give comfort and security,

strength, support, and courage

in our days today.

Good for those who know them.


Jesus is hope for the hopeless,

salvation for the lost,

comfort for the fearful,

direction for the confused,

and security for the insecure.


Especially in our situation today

it is more important than ever

to know him.


He did not shy away

from any difficulties

to come close to us.

He did not shy away

from despair and destress

in order to take us out of

our destress.


The child in the manger

that we celebrate

is the savior of the world

and wants to be your savior as well.


Is it not high time to be saved

and to get to know him better?


He is so much more

than only the baby

whose birthday we remember

during Christmas.



Theme:   There is still hope for today



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