Friday, November 30, 2012

In the midst of my darkness - It doesn't need to stay dark

In the midst of my darkness

In the midst of my darkness
a light went on for me.
In the midst of my emotional distress
suddenly it became light.
In the midst of my hopelessness
and despair
you came and touched me.
All of a sudden
your healing words
and promises
reached me.
I noticed that
I do not need to hold on
to bitterness
and do not need to call
the past back to me
every day
but can leave it with you.
You gave me
the strength to forgive.
You gave me the courage
to take the first steps
of reconciliation.
After all that is
what you have
first done for me.
You have brightened
my darkness,
for it was not
too dark for you.
You came
and did not shy away
from any difficulty
in order to carry
my difficulties.
In the midst of my darkness
your light went on for me.

Theme:   It doesn’t need to stay dark

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