Saturday, March 30, 2013

Christ is risen - What good is Easter for me

Christ is risen

Christ is risen.
For years I use this sentence
almost meaningless
as an Easter greeting
for my neighbor.
Am I really aware
what it means?
Without guilt
he was sentenced
and died the death
of a murderer.
He suffered greatly.
He was given the harshest punishment
of it’s time back then.
And that because of ME!
He was separated from the father
and judged due to my atrocities
which are my sins
that separate
my path to heaven.
He did all of that for ME!
I’m worthy of this death.
The separation from the father of love
should have been mine
for all eternity
because I am the guilty one.
But Jesus took all of that upon himself
for his father asked him to.
His love was meant for ME!
His mercy was meant for ME!
His forgiveness was meant for ME!
His death and resurrection
were meant for ME!
Christ is risen –
He is risen indeed!
So that I can love again –
now and for all eternity.
That has utmost meaning.

Theme:   What good is Easter for me

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