Friday, August 9, 2013

Messed up with the do’s and don’ts - God is different then I thought for a long time

Messed up with the do’s and don’ts

For a long time
I have been so messed up
with the do’s and don’ts of religion
that in all of the rules
I could not see your love.

Your gentleness and kindness
were buried underneath
a mountain of restrictions.

Your loving guidance was blocked
by feelings of constant guilt.

The true inner freedom
that you had to offer
was covered up with anger
about all the restrictions that you
seem to demand.

None of my thinking was correct.
I found out that your guidelines
were protections from traps
and  much pain.
But I found that out
only after being hurt
once too much.

I was angry at what humans told me
about you for a long time.
But then I got more and more stuck
in the snares and traps of this world
that I knew there had to be
another answer.

Something deep inside me told me
that I should give you a real chance
and discover you on my own.

All the knowledge I had about you
had to be revisited
and much was revised since then.

Today I am glad for your love
I am thankful for your patience
and kindness with me.

Thank you that you walk
an individual walk with me
and that I do not need to fit
into human molds.

Thank you for your guidelines
for I still would be lost
without them!

Theme:   God is different then I thought for a long time

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