Friday, October 18, 2013

Thankfulness in the desert - Thankfulness in the midst of difficulties

Thankfulness in the desert

For a long time now
I have one crisis after the other
in my life.

Of cause I could ask WHY
and grow bitter over the situation.
But that does not lead me
to a good ending either.
I want to learn more and more
how to be thankful
in the middle of the crisis.

When my life
looks like a desert,
I want to sing
songs of praise anyway
because you, oh Lord,
lead me even now.

Never once did you promise
only peaceful meadows and happiness.
While you lived on this earth
you had many hard times too.

You said that you will walk with me,
lead me and guide me,
give me strength and endurance,
form my character,
and teach me patience.

I would miss out on all of that
if I would stay angry with you now
and turn my back on you.

No, I do not want that.
I want to remain faithful
because especially now
I experience your power,
and you are holding me
much more than in good times.

You are worthy
of thankfulness in the desert.
You deserve praise
despite my difficulties.
I will praise you
in the midst of my hardship
because I do not want to be
torn down by the destruction otherwise.

Theme:   Thankfulness in the midst of difficulties

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