Thursday, May 22, 2014

Letting go - How a new beginning can be possible

Letting go
(2205140737-0757, 2205141336-1355)

I had to let go
of the painful memories
from my past.

I had to let go
of the bitterness and the hatred
towards those
who did not mean well
with me and my family.

I had to let go
of all the negative thoughts
that only pulled me down
into the depths and loneliness
of my wounded soul.

Letting go and leaving it.

Leaving it to the one
who already paid for it.

Leaving it to the one,
who did not spare himself
in order to make good
all the mistakes of humanity.

Leaving it to Jesus.

Only he could free me again
from all the trash
that I have collected
for a long time.

He pulled me
out of my own mud hole.

He cleaned and bound up
the deep wounds
of my own soul.

He carried my load
and restored me again.

He helped me
feel good as a human again
and finally enjoy life anew.

He gave me a new purpose
and calling in life.

But only after I let go
did this work out.
As long as I was holding on
to my rage and despair,
and was not ready to let go of it,
and to leave it,
nothing had changed.

As long as I
was scratching my old wound
on a daily basis
I infected it more and more.

I had to let go of
my habit of spinning my thoughts.

I had to stop
worrying about things.

I had to trust
with my whole heart
and like a child
the one
who promised me a new life.

Letting go,
leaving it
and starting anew
is my new motto now.

Theme:   How a new beginning can be possible

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