Thursday, May 29, 2014

Worries - You don’t need to be controlled by worries


Worries –
you are noting but terrible tormentors!

Who invited you to me?
Why do you think
you can just bombard me?                             
From where do you get the right
to just attack me?

All you bring
are negative thoughts
and emotions like fear.
You want to control
my every day life
and rule me.
You are paralyzing
and turn my whole life
upside down.

Why do you believe
you can dominate me?

Who says that I need to be
distracted by you?

I have declared war on you
and refuse to be controlled by you.

I reject all the negative
“what if when“ scenarios
that you put in my head
and will not be kept
from doing what is good and right by you.

Most of the things
you are trying to tell me
are lies through and through,
and it is not worth my time
to pay any attention to you.

I will no longer open my door for you
when you knock on it.
And when you have snuck in
I will throw you out
with all my strength!

Theme:   You don’t need to be controlled by worries

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1. Peter 5:7 (NIV Translation)

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