Thursday, November 27, 2014

Can’t wait but have to - The difficulties while waiting

Can’t wait but have to

I don’t want to wait any longer.
I can’t wait any longer.
The waiting time wears me down.

How much longer?
Who can endure this?
Why me?
Why now?

But what else can I do,
I HAVE to wait.
I have to persist.
I must learn to be patient,
otherwise I totally ruin my life.

By now I am getting the impression
that the longer I am impatient,
the longer my waiting time becomes.
In any case
the misery in which I bring myself
with all my impatience
is hard to endure.

Waiting is one thing,
but to make my life miserable
in the mean time
is quite another thing.

Let me learn
to wait patiently.
Let me learn to enjoy my life
while waiting.

As long as I have to wait anyway
I might as well
make the best out of it!

Theme:   The difficulties while waiting

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