Sunday, October 4, 2015

Your pain is my pain - Where is God in the midst of the pain

Your pain is my pain

My dear child
you have never considered
that I suffer with you
even today
as pain gets afflicted upon you.

Your pain is my pain.

Each time
you get offended
I and my guidelines
get offended as well
and I do not just ignore it.

Have you forgotten
that I live in you
and therefore get wounded
every time you get wounded too?

Your pain is my pain.

I suffer
because you suffer.

you are only busy with
accusing me in your pain.

Every time you ask anew
where I am
when you have a hard time.

Your pain is my pain.

I am with you when you cry,
I feel your pain.

But believe me
there is no one
who knows you better
and to whom you can run to
in your pain
then me.

I am here
to be by your side.
I am there
to comfort you.

I am here
to cleanse and bind up your wounds.
I am here
to restore and heal you.

But as long as you accuse me
will you never feel or experience
my kindness and healing.

Make your pain
to my pain
and bring it to me
because that is the only way
I can touch your soul
and restore you.

Your forever loving heavenly father

Theme: Where is God in the midst of the pain

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