Sunday, May 26, 2013

A sigh of relief - Jesus lets us feel good as humans again

A sigh of relief

A sigh of relief
only came
after I got to know you properly.
A sigh of relief
only came
after I learned to love
your being.
A sigh of relief
only came
after I took your word seriously.
A sigh of relief
only came
after I threw
all the trash in my soul
at your feet
and asked you for forgiveness.
Now the air is clear;
I can love myself again
because you loved me first.
I can act
according to your commandments
and experience freedom by them.
Having a sigh of relief,
walking upright,
feeling good about myself again,
knowing that my mistakes are forgiven -
that makes being a human
worthwhile living again.
Thank you Jesus,
for all that you have
done for me!

Theme:   Jesus lets us feel good as humans again

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