Thursday, May 30, 2013

Deaf and rebellious - From being the rejecting one to searching

Deaf and rebellious

For a long time
I was deaf and rebellious.
As soon as someone
talked to me about Jesus
I started to rage.
I did not want to hear anything
and it went in one ear and out the next.
My attitude towards the other person
was aggressive
and he got to feel the full load
of my discomfort.
I wanted to have noting to do
with church or religion.
They had done too much wrong
over generations in my eyes.
But the other person
was not talking about church and religion
rather about Jesus and the Bible.
I could not differentiate the two
because many criminal acts
were committed in their name too.
Deaf and rebellious
I held my ground
to the point where I was not
receptive to Jesus’ love,
reconciliation and healing
for myself any more.
When someone told me
about Jesus
I looked upon people and their deeds
and not upon him
and was turned off by it.
But after all
it was not about human forgiveness,
human love,
or even human healing,
but a godly one.
For a long time
I could not recognize the difference,
for I was too busy with scolding.
But during that time
my heart was empty too.
I was worn out
and tired of searching.
No entertainment in the world
lasted long enough
to fill my emptiness.
No position satisfied me.
No human could give me
the love I was longing for
on a long-term basis.
No peace was lasting,
no joy remained.
My heart was burned out
but I was too stubborn
to confess it.
I wanted nothing to do with Jesus
for I was utterly disappointed
in the humans
who told me about him.
But then there was a time
when I was at the end of myself
and wanted to find out for myself
what Jesus was truly all about.
Far off from all religious activities,
I took a Bible in my hand
and started to search in it
for this godly love,
the reconciliation,
and the healing
of my broken emotions.
No human was allowed
to tell me anything.
I did not ask anyone for advice,
for I did not want to be
manipulated by anyone.
I thought
if there is such a thing
as God’s love for me,
then he can show it to me on his own
just by reading His Word.
And that is exactly the way it was.
Of course I had to search for it,
but then I found some passages
that spoke directly into my life
as if they were written for me.
There was hope for my hopelessness,
comfort for my grief,
joy for my disappointment.
I noticed the people back then
were in the same boat as I was.
They were deaf and rebellious too.
They were also fed up
with superficial religiosity and rules
that were not even kept
by the leadership.
But then Jesus came
and he turned everything upside down.
Slowly but surely
I gave up my deafness
and no longer let things
go in one ear and out the other.
Slowly but surely
I put down my rebellion
for it never did me much good
to start out with.
Slowly but surely
I did away with my stubbornness;
all it brought me
was a hard and empty heart.
Slowly but surely
I started to recognize the difference
between empty religiosity
and life-giving faith.
If I happen to meet
another person
who wants to talk to me
about Jesus now
I am prepared to ask him
some other questions
instead of aggressively rejecting him.

Theme:   From being the rejecting one to searching

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