Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The high flight of my ego - Pride comes before the fall

The high flight of my ego

My ego took me
on a trip.
Before I knew it
I was on a steep and high flight.
Now I was someone better.
Now I was able to do more things.
Now I was popular.
Now I did not need
to depend on many things.
Now I have selected different friends.
Now I can afford many things.
But what came after that?
After the success
came the disappointment,
for that feeling
does not last.
In all of my arrogance
I made some major mistakes
and had a hard landing on my nose.
Everyone who goes up high
at some point comes down deep.
For me the fall
was a free fall.
My pride and ego were broken,
my joy was gone,
and there was no one
who now stood by my side,
no advice that would have been helpful.
I had lost my face,
became unbelievable,
and lost all
that I had accumulated.
If I would have thought earlier about
where my high flight was going to lead me,
and what kind of a landing I could have,
then it would have not come to this point
and I would have stayed more humble.
Now I have to learn humility
in a very painful way.

Theme:   Pride comes before the fall

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