Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Disobedience - Disobedience and true happiness do not go together


It is my own disobedience
towards You
that keeps me
from experiencing
true happiness.
With my own selfishness
I miss out on Your blessing.
My free will
decides over and over again
against your guidelines
because I believe I know better
and want to do
what my hard head tells me.
Where is it written
that I will be happy
when I horde belongings?
Who says that I will be satisfied
when I do not share?
When do I have enough
to be happy?
Who teaches me
to oppress others
so that I can get what I want?
Why do I believe
that I do not need to help others
and can look the other way
and not help out
when there is suffering and injustice?
Where do I find true happiness,
satisfaction and inner peace?
I can have all the right knowledge
but only when I do the right things
does it show that I understood it,
and only then does my
satisfaction, my inner peace
and my own happiness
begin to grow.
With my own disobedience
I have made my choice
against You –
now and for all eternity.
You gave me a free will
and if I do not voluntarily
submit it to You
I cannot really enjoy
any of the good
that You have left for me.
It is my own disobedience
that keeps the evil in the world going.
It is with my own selfishness,
which constantly
and at all cost wants more,
that I completely
miss out on happiness.
Oh, Lord forgive me
and teach me Your ways
so that I too
can live within your blessing
because Your blessing
and my disobedience
just do not go together!

Theme:  Disobedience and true happiness do not go together

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