Saturday, June 15, 2013

Soap bubbles - Only one truly carries

Soap bubbles


The whole way
I went about
solving my problems was that
I had always
hung onto soap bubbles
and hoped
they could pull me
out of my mud.
I tried everything
that had promised me
a quick and easy solution –
the whole spectrum.
By doing that
I lost more and more money
and my schedule got tighter and tighter.
I never wanted to take responsibility
for my own misbehavior.
With frequently changing
opinions and arguments
I tried to conceal
my own misconduct.
Unfortunately even then
every argument burst
like a soap bubble.
Through that I got stuck
deeper and deeper in my own mud
and I was at risk of drowning.
Then someone told me
that only Jesus’ offer of forgiveness
was the reliable way
out of my failure.
He doesn’t push my mistakes
to the side,
he doesn’t make a big deal
out of them,
but he forgives them
out of his free will
and teaches me a better life.
Up until now I had not come across
anything like that.
All it cost me
was to openly confess my faults to him
and ask for forgiveness
with the goal
to not repeat them again.
But even then he offered me
his forgiveness.
For the first time in my life
I found a solution
for all my failures
and mistakes,
and when I tried it out
I found far more than mere forgiveness.
I found healing and restoration
for my broken soul.
Finally I felt comfortable
as a human again.
Thank you Jesus
that you are not
just another soap bubble!

Theme:   Only one truly carries

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