Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ground personnel - Who belongs to God’s ground personnel

Ground personnel

In order to pass on
God’s love to other people
in this world
God has primarily chosen people.
Big and small
poor and rich
weak and strong
old and young.
They can be found
in the most inconspicuous places
of this earth.
There are people
who love the forgotten,
notice the hidden,
and search for the lost.
They can tell
when someone is not feeling well.
They feel the pain of the other one
and they do something
to bring about comfort.
There are people
who will not just ignore
the hardness of this world.
They don’t look the other way.
They let themselves be touched
by the fate of the other
and help out,
everyone according to his abilities.
There are people
who radiate some of God’s love.
There are people
whose main concern is
to live a life pleasing to God.
Such people can be found everywhere.
Such people will always be needed.
Such people are upright and truthful.
Such people keep their word.
Such people give you strength.
You can feel the love from such people.
Such people are,
if they know it or not,
God’s ground personnel
in our cold world.

Theme:   Who belongs to God’s ground personnel

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