Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chasing shadows - How real love, true luck and deep satisfaction can be found

Chasing shadows

How long
have I been chasing shadows?

I’m searching for true love,
but all that I grasp
turns out to be shadows.

I’m searching for true luck,
but all I reach out for
is only a short lived joy.

I’m searching for deep satisfaction,
but the everyday life
consists of short moments
of satisfaction
at best.

Lord, I have turned
my back towards you
the whole time.
I have never declared
your guidelines
as being valid for me.

I always assumed I knew better
than my Creator
and didn’t seem to mind
for a long time
that I walked away empty handed.

But by now
I have grown tired
of trying to catch shadows.

My heart tells me
there is more.
Empty desires
are no longer good enough for me.

So I went ahead and searched
for my Creator.
And in His words
I finally found more.

Now I am beginning to learn
that I can receive more love
when I am not full
of selfish wishes
and the resulting
feelings of guilt.

The more I obey
God’s loving guidelines,
the less I have to battle with
shame, embarrassment and feelings of guilt.

When I no longer need
to cover up my own mistakes
in my life,
because I don’t make them anymore
and know my past failures are forgiven,
I can be filled
more and more
with God’s endless
and profound love.

Today I can experience
real love,
true luck,
and deep satisfaction
all new again.

How happy I am
that I no longer need to chase
empty shadows.

Theme:   How real love, true luck and deep satisfaction can be found

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