Thursday, November 7, 2013

Deeply touched - I can find myself completely again in God’s word

Deeply touched

I was deeply touched
when I found myself
in YOUR words again.

Like in a mirror
did I recognize my own soul.

My character was not
unknown to YOU.
YOU talked about me
in detail
a long time before I existed.                                                               

I came to realize
more and more
how timeless YOUR words
were after all.

It felt good
to look into myself
so deeply.
It was good to know
that there is someone
who knows me through and through
and loves me anyway.

It is nice to know
that YOU give me a chance.
It is great
that YOU show me a way
to improve myself
and that YOU
want to forgive my mistakes.
All I need to do
is to bring them to you honestly.

Thank you that YOU know me
all the way through.
Thank you that YOU have loved me
all along.
Thank you that YOU have planned
a new beginning even for me.

I was not only deeply touched
when I came to know myself
and who I really am,
but also when I got to know
your love towards me.

Thank you Lord,
that YOU are completely timeless.
Thank you that I do not need
to hide anything from YOU.
Thank you that YOU love me.
Thank you for YOUR word for me.

Theme:   I can find myself completely again in God’s word

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