Saturday, June 7, 2014

When my thoughts are spinning - How I can get out of my negative thought patterns

When my thoughts are spinning

There are times
during which my thoughts
only spin around in a circle.

Bad thoughts,
unwholesome “what is when“ scenarios,
overblown “what if“ thinking.

The whole time
I cannot think of anything good.
And with every spinning thought
I dig myself deeper and deeper
into my own worries.
Day in and day out
I cannot be thinking
of anything else
but my worries and troubles.

My everyday life
is almost paralyzed.
I cannot find joy in anything.
No distraction
is of interest to me.

I want to be alone,
sulking about my fate.
But exactly that
is a big mistake
because that only causes me
to be stuck more and more.

I cannot hinder bad thoughts
from coming into my head,
but I can fight them
instead of brooding upon them.

If I cannot change a situation
I must accept it.
When all the fighting against it
is not doing any good,
then I have to arrange myself
with the situation.

I want to learn
to stay patient while waiting
and remain good to myself.

I want to learn
to enjoy life
even when I have not reached
all goals.

When I cannot change something,
I then no longer want to be
depressed about it
and stick my head in the sand,
but look at what else I can do instead.

When my thoughts are spinning,
then I want to be the first
to put a stop to it.

When worries grow over my head,
then I do not want to
feed them any longer
by giving them time and attention.

I do not want to ruin my life
by worries and troubles.
What comes to me
from the outside
is bad enough.
I do not need to destroy myself
from the inside any more.

I want to change
my own attitude!

Theme:   How I can get out of my negative thought patterns

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