Saturday, July 12, 2014

Angry - It does no good to be angry with God


Because I was angry with God
I did all sorts of dumb things.

I was angry
because I felt the hard corners
of this fallen world
all too closely.

I was mad towards him
because God made my life
and that of my loved ones
difficult at the moment.
At least I gave him
the blame for it.

That God gave humans a free will
and they did not obey him
most of the time,
I seem to have forgotten completely.

The fact that difficult times
are growth times in my life,
I did not want to consider.
All I wanted to do was to rebel
and be angry at God.

That there is another power
in this world
who’s joy it is to steal, kill and destroy,
I did not care about at the moment.
All I did is make my Creator
responsible for my misery.

Therefore I rebelled as well
and did not act
according to my Creator’s will.

With being angry myself
I contributed to the bad and the wrong
in this world.
I made life difficult for myself
and all those around me.

Not once did I think about
holding on tightly to God
and to bring him my troubles.
No, I wanted to complain and whine,
be mad and let out my aggression
on myself and others.

My prayer consisted of nothing else
than accusing God,
and I did not want to listen
and be patient at this time.

Contemplating and reflecting
did not occur to me.
Instead I got completely caught up
in my negative feelings,
and they began to grow rampant in me.

What good is my anger?
What does my rage get me?
I get nothing but negatives out of it!

Even when I do not understand
the world any more,
and my world has turned upside down,
I want to learn to believe
that God is not changing.

He still offers me
his protection.
He still wants to comfort me
in difficult times.

But when I am angry
at my healer
I will not experience that at all.

Theme:   It does no good to be angry with God

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