Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Waiting times - What use waiting times could have

Waiting times

It seems as there are
many waiting times
in my life.

I have to wait for
all sorts of things.

But during these times
much is happening within me.
Actually waiting times
are times for character to grow.
But for me these are times
in which I primarily have to fight.

Times of impatience.
Times of fear.
Times of anger.
Times of envy and jealousy.

So many negative feelings
pour into me during those times.
The thoughts that come to my mind
during those times
are first of all negative.

A battle starts within me
because these thoughts
want to nest in me
and take over.
When I do not do anything
they begin to grow rampant
but all they bring forth are weeds.

If I let my feelings reign
during these waiting times
then surely nothing good
comes out of it.

I have to wait anyway,
so the question is
how positive I want to make
this time.

I can also persist in patience
and look around to see
what else can be done
while I wait.

I can begin
to look away from my own problems
and see where someone else
may need my help.

I can bring my concerns
to my Creator
and learn to leave them with him
and to wait patiently.

If I do not immediately get what I want,
then maybe there are
other reasons for that.

Afterwards I have often noticed
that all of my wishes
were not the best for me
after all.
But I had to take
many detours
before I started to realize that.

Waiting also means
to control myself.
Waiting includes
fighting the negative thoughts.
During the wait I can learn
to persist in patience and anticipation,
and during this time
not let my life be ruined.

Since most of life
consists of waiting times,
I am well advised
to make the best out of it!

Theme:   What use waiting times could have

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