Wednesday, July 9, 2014

When only God knows the answer - God’s plans are often not understandable to us

When only God knows the answer

There are times
during which everything goes wrong,
situations that you would
not have chosen,
and moments in which
the ground underneath the feet
is missing,
you have no air to breath
and seem to sink into
a dark hole.

On a human scale they are
unbearable times;
times in which you
break down emotionally,
and in which negative thoughts
overpower you,
and your thoughts spin
in a circle the whole time.

No human has the answer.
No one can help.
All is too much.

Then it is not useful
to be upset at humans.
Then it does no good
to let out your aggression
on yourself or others.
Then you only hurt yourself
if you are upset with God.

I have to notice
in those times over and over again,
how little I can direct my own life.
The control is in someone else’s hands
and I do not like
what he is allowing.

I will never understand God,
but if I study his character
I notice that he
has a plan of healing for me
through both good and bad.

But of how much use is this
if I ignore him in good times
and am angry with him in bad times?

It does no good
if I just accuse him,
and am not willing
to bend my knees before him,
and in all of my brokenness
to be still before him.

My disobedience before him,
my whining and moaning,
and my own rebellion
only contribute to the fact
that I am stuck in my misery
much longer.

As long as I scream
I do not hear his quiet voice.
As long as I accuse him
I do not experience his healing love.
As long as I rebel
I do not see the new path
and do not notice the saving rope
in all my chaos.

When only God knows the answer
and he directs my attention
towards him through my pain,
then I am well advised
to start listening to him
instead of crying in his ears.

Theme: God’s plans are often not understandable to us

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