Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lost peace - A lifestyle that robs our peace of heart

Lost peace

I had money
I had women
I had power.

I had what my heart desired
but I was worn down, empty
and totally unhappy anyway.

Because everything I had,
I achieved through dishonest ways.

Inside I now felt worse than before.
I always lived with the fear
of getting caught.

This uncertainty started to eat me up
and for a long time I believed
that I could forget everything
with the next high.

But unfortunately that was not the case.
My conscience accused me constantly
and I could not find
any real calmness any more.

In the end I was imprisoned
in my own lifestyle,
and dependent on people
who shared this lifestyle with me.

I had lost my peace.
Everything I had
only caused me more difficulties.

Oh what would I give now
in order to regain this peace.

Theme:   A lifestyle that robs our peace of heart

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