Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Rage - Raging against the Lord only brings us more difficulties


Lord, I was raging against you,
but for a long time
I did not want to admit it.

I was angry at you
for what has happened to me,
but I was hiding my anger
behind all kinds of masks.

Now I have many problems:
My psyche has taken me
on a rollercoaster ride,
my health is going crazy,
all of my reactions are off,
and I no longer find any rest
when I sleep.

All because I did not want
to look at the root causes
and was raging against you.

I could not recognize
that you wanted to guide me
through all difficult times,
and in the midst of the storm
I did not hold onto your hand
but instead was distracted
by the tossing waves. 

I was completely consumed
by the negativeness of my surroundings,
and was upset and angry for I have neglected to look up to you.

Oh Lord help me
to never forget you and your kindness
in the midst of the storm.

Help me to believe in your nature even when my life is upside down.

Help me to remain faithful to you
when I have to go through difficulties
and injustice.

Help me to cling to you
especially in difficult times
and to look to you
instead of indulging in rage
against you.

I had lost my perspective
and had made my own life more difficult than it already was.
While I was raging against you
I had caused myself
many more difficulties.

Theme:   Raging against the Lord only brings us more difficulties

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