Monday, September 17, 2012

Me and my destructive ego - Destructive behavior

Me and my destructive ego
(1609120030-0042, 1609122124-2147)

Me and my destructive ego
have paired up for a long time.
Of cause I know
good and well
what would be right
because I have a conscience
living in me too
and often enough
get told about it
from the outside as well.
But I can ignore all of that
with my destructive ego
and go my own ways.
That is why I have preferred
this kind of friendship
for a long time.
I recognize
after the fact
all the things I cause
and most of the time
utterly regret it.
But my destructive ego
is quick to rationalize everything,
come up with excuses,
blame others for it,
and plan the next action.
Grabbing everything
I can get ahold of,
quick pleasures,
lust satisfaction no matter how,
the striving for power
and the numbing of myself
when I get stressed out
I have all learned
from my destructive ego.
Oh what a spectacle
does my ego act out for me.
Unfortunately there is
no happy end in it.
Perhaps I should
slowly start to think about
how useful and helpful
this partnership is
for me in reality.

Theme:   Destructive behavior

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