Friday, September 14, 2012

Map - Who orients himself according to the map finds the way of healing


I can tell you
why everything is
so terrible here.
Why do humans hurt each other
so poorly?
Why is there so much strife?
Why does all that injustice
scream to heaven?
There is a very simple reason
for all of it:
Because the map is being ignored.
Almost everyone knows about it
but hardly anyone
pays attention to it.
Few read it
and even fewer
act according to it.
Some will talk about it,
but even then
not everything is true.
Who makes the effort
to check what is being said?
The one who knows the map
realizes it shows the way
for his confused soul.
The one who follows the map
knows that its ways
are not always easy,
but definitely healthier
than anything
being done otherwise.
You can find the way back out
of the dead end street.
You learn to recognize traps
and avoid them.
You get the right directions
even in the deepest and darkest valleys.
From time to time
you find resting places
that are inviting you to stay.
Everyone wishes very much
to have that knowledge.
But few do what it takes to have it
and order their life according to it.
Oh what kind of dumb people we are,
for over and over again
we orient ourselves
according to the principles of lust
and quick desires
and power and possession.
They are at the top of the list
even when our own soul
dies in the process.
How much longer
do we want to add to the pain
and look in the wrong places
for direction
when all along
we know good and well
that the map is correct?
Take a Bible in your hand
and begin to study in it.
Everyone should do it on his own,
for the path of inner healing
looks different for everyone.
We have all been traumatized by this world in our own way
and we all did different things in the wrong way over and over again.
We are all stuck in different places,
but if you use the map for direction
you can be set free out of that prison too.
Showing humans the way,
keeping humans from traps,
bringing humans
who were led astray back –
that is the purpose and reason
for the map.
I can advise you:
stop your prejudices,
get ahold of a map
and start to heal.

Theme:  Who orients himself according to the map finds the way of healing

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