Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Violence - The helplessness behind violence


If you would have known
how much helplessness
and powerlessness
was behind my violent attacks,
and that it was the only way
how I could express
that I did not agree with you,
then you might have thought about
how you could help me,
so I would do it different
the next time.
The only language
that I was familiar with
was raw violence.
In actuality I was a
poor wretch,
because even if someone
only tried to teach me
something different,
I responded with aggression
and the other person
risked a violent outburst from me.
So people distanced themselves
from me more and more
and I never learned anything new.
I had maneuvered myself
into a dead end.
Deep inside of me
I was actually clueless and lonely.
But I could not express that to you
because then I would show weakness. 
Honesty was dangerous for me
because I did not want to lose
face either.
I was looking for someone
who loved me
without conditions,
recognized my helplessness,
and came to my side
in a productive way.
But through my behavior
I have put out my claws,
and not a person
dared to help me.
I knew
I had to change my way of thinking,
but I did not know how,
because on my own
I could not come up
with many helpful thoughts.
I knew good and well
that my violence
was not the answer
and that it only produced
violence in response
and in the end made everything worse.
I did not want that either.
But I could not always do
what you wanted
and agree to everything.
I could not help myself;
friends could not help me,
professionals could not help me;
not a person was able to.
But it could not go on like that either.
Then I got the hint,
that I would find help in the Bible.
It took a long time
before I let go of my aggression
towards religion and church,
and began to study the Bible
all by myself.
Back then in the Bible
they also had
major disagreements.
For the longest time
they tried it with wars,
but then Jesus came.
The more I studied him,
the more he had turned
his world back then upside down
and the more he turned
my own world upside down.
All of a sudden
I was able to think good thoughts.
Slowly but surely
I started to feel pity
instead of hatred toward my enemies,
because I knew
that in their helplessness
they had put out
their claws too.
I could let go of my pain
and give it to Jesus.
That had noting to do
with religion and church,
but only with him and me.
Inside of me he came
and cleansed my wounds.
Inside of me he endured
my violent attacks towards him.
Inside of me he stood by my side
and helped me
when I was overwhelmed myself.
This book and this person
became alive for me
here and today
and that was totally amazing.
Slowly I learned
to speak another language
without any human help.
It was the language of love
without conditions,
that I was the least to deserve
but experienced anyway.
He and I
began a process of healing
away from the action
in the quietness
deep down in my heart.
Today I still have not
much in common
with religion and church,
but more and more
with Jesus,
and I am forever thankful
to him for that.

Theme:   The helplessness behind violence

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