Sunday, January 27, 2013

Head and Mouth - What Jesus really wants from us

Head and Mouth

Yes, Lord I believe in you.
I could confess that for years.
In my head I understood
what you have done for me
and with my mouth
I could talk about it.
But that was the extent of it.
I had not understood
that you wanted to use
my heart for brotherly love,
my hands for helping,
and my feet with willingness
today and now.
Of course I knew about
the needs of my neighbors and friends.
But I always just said:
“I will pray for you“.
With that the matter
was finished for me.
Jesus, I do have to confess
my heart was not in it.
On my own I did not get the idea
the reason you let me know
about the need of another person
was that you wanted to use me
to bring about a solution
and to bless me through it.
My own effort
would not have been hard
and the problems of the other person
would have been reduced.
But I was not willing
and was always hoping
that another person
would intervene.
Jesus, when you
let me know about a need,
from now on
I want to first think about
what I can do to alleviate it
instead of what I should pray,
so that you will intervene.
I am the one
who you would like to use
in that very moment -
otherwise you would not have
told me about the need.
Help me
that from now on
I will not only make
my head and my mouth,
but my heart, my hands, my feet
and whatever else belongs to me
available for you.

Theme:   What Jesus really wants from us

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Matthew 9:36-38  (NIV Translation)

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