Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On board - When God is pushed to the side

On board

for safety reasons
I took you on board
but I sit at the steering wheel.
I rule in my life
I decide what is fun
I do what I want to.
You are allowed
to come along
as a passenger
but one thing is for sure:
I am the captain.
To go without you
all the way wouldn’t feel right
but to be lead by you
seems to dangerous to me.
I don’t want to
be directed by you
or live according your principles
and obey you.
Instead of that
I am driven by the spirit of the time
and the superficial
and meaningless things.
My free time is filled up
with one appointment
after the other
just so that there will not be
any quietness
because for me
quietness is emptiness.
I have never learned
to listen to your still and quiet voice
for there is always
so much action around me.
I have not really figured out
how to align the compass of my life
according to you
for your guidance for my life
seems to be to vague
I know that you made
me and the world
but I really do not
trust you with everything.
I’m not letting you
get very close to me.
I will only listen
to what you have to say
when it is something
I would like to hear
and you do what I want.
I still want to have
my own hardheaded ways
and believe that I know the best
how to direct this ship.
I still do not pay attention
to your healing advice.
No wonder
am I helplessly
subjected to every storm.
No wonder
do I just coast along
without a goal in mind.
No wonder
am I lacking the peace and joy
that only comes form you.
As long as I do not recognize you
either as map or as captain
in my life
am I aimlessly coasting
on the open sea
and slowly running
out of supplies.
If you are only
on board my boat
but I do not let you lead
I have missed
the most important.

Theme:   When God is pushed to the side

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