Friday, January 25, 2013

It's not about ... - How lasting change can happen

It’s not about …

It’s not about money.
It’s not about power.
It’s not about building
a big or small empire.
It’s about Jesus.
How can I forget
who he was?
How can I forget
how he loved?
How can I forget
what he did?
How can I forget
why he died?
He did not have a church.
He did not have an office.
He did not even have a house.
He humbly served the people
on the street –
big and small alike.
He was kind to those
who recognized their brokenness.
He had hard words for the stubborn
and self-righteous.
As a believer
no matter what position I hold
it’s not about my ego.
It’s not about my strength.
It’s not about my money.
It’s about love.
Loving and caring for those
who are hurting around me
beginning in my very own family.
Using my hands
to reach out
to those society has labeled.
Using my feet
to go and bring peace
and reconciliation.
Using my mouth
to encourage even those
who hurt me at the moment
and bring the message
of forgiveness and love.
It’s not about me.
It’s not about my selfishness
and stubbornness.
It’s about Jesus.
That’s the only way
a bad situation
can be turned around
and healing take place.

Theme:   How lasting change can happen

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