I cannot receive love
with a clenched fist.
As long as the
inside of me
is raging
and the bitterness
is growing
my heart is closed
to the love of God.
I cannot receive
with a clenched fist.
Yes God knows
bad things happened
for the evil one
does not stop
to steal kill and destroy
as long as we live
in this world.
And it happens
to everyone.
To some more
then to others.
Good people
are not excluded.
But God is always
to bind up the wounded
to heal and restore
the broken.
He promises
to give strength
to the weary.
However none of
can be experienced
when I have
hardened my heart
towards him and
clenched my fist
always ready
to accuse him.
I cannot receive
with a clenched fist.
Unless I learn
to calm down
and take
my broken heart to him
and recognize my own need
for a savior
I will not experience
his healing love.
I cannot receive
with a clenched fist.
As long as I am
full of anger
toward God
and not the devil
for all the evil that happened,
I cannot recognize
his loving kindness
and feel nothing
of his healing power.
I do not need to
why something happened
in order to receive
God’s healing love.
God is far greater
then me
and pursues his goals
through good and bad
and only when I trust
that he knows
what he is doing
regardless of
whether I like it or not
do I experience his love.
I cannot receive
with a clenched fist.
Theme: Anger keeps us from experiencing
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