Thursday, June 21, 2012

Try it with grace - You can win with grace

Try it with grace


Of cause this is well known:
You were rude to me
and then I have all the right
to be rude to you too
after all you started it!
The saying seems true:
What goes around
comes around.
That’s how the whole world fights
and everyone knows good and well
that it is absolutely unproductive
in order to nurture a relationship
or grow stronger as a person.
But if that doesn’t help
then there has got to be
a better way.
Try it with grace.
The weaker one is not the one
who apologizes once too much
but the one who is not able to apologize.
Of cause sometimes
you have to be willing to overlook
the bad mood of the other person
and recognize the hurt
or the stress behind it
in order to be gracious
but in the end it pays out.
When you learn
to counter nastiness with love
then a relationship has a chance.
In that you can be quite stubborn
in order to pull it through continually.
Try it with grace
because it works.

Theme:   You can win with grace

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