Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Savior? - When we need a Savior

A Savior?
(1212110843-0856, 1312110658-0718)

If you think
you can handle
your worries,
if you believe
you can fix
your own hardship
by yourself,
if you are certain
that you always have
everything under control
and are in charge
of your own destiny,
then you don’t need
a savior.
But if you notice
that you come to your own end
over and over again,
if you need someone
who points the way
even in the darkest hours,
if you want to be
carried through
the worries and hardship
and you can
leave them at someone’s feet,
if you notice                       
that you can bring all your fears
to the One
who holds the future
in His hand,
then go to Jesus
for He is the right address.

Theme: When we need a Savior

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