Thursday, December 13, 2012

Answer --- I have heard you series poem 18

Answer --- I have heard you series poem 18
(0404020027/ 0404021227)

Creator -
By now I have come
to know about your existence.
It is hard to believe,
that you knew everything about me
from the beginning.
You even know the minute
from which on my life
was dictated
by the principle of lust.
The fact,
that it caused me much trouble
has never been news to you.
You know the games
I have played with people;
you know how shamelessly
I have used them
and robbed them of their innocence.
I have even used
my position to oppress
the oppressed more.
You know in whom
I planted the seeds
of bitterness.
It is increasingly shocking
to watch those seeds grow
and to see
how the joy of living
was traded in for
helplessness and hatred.
I know I carry the responsibility.
My lack of character
multiplies faster
then I can count.
My freedom -
or at least the freedom
I gave myself
turned out to be my own prison.
The vicious circle is perfect.
The emptiness inside of me
keeps growing
until finally
there is nothing left
that thrills me.
you watched all this
and have left me alive
and now you even give me
words of hope?
That is too much
for my understanding!
All I can do is to say thank-you:
that you did not give up on me -
I would have deserved it
a long time ago.
that you want to help me anyway -
I don’t deserve that at all.
that you love me -
that surpasses my logic by far.

Your Human

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