Monday, December 24, 2012

Rejected from the beginning - The only one who can save us was first rejected

Rejected from the beginning

You were rejected
from the beginning.
Joseph wanted to leave
his fiancée Mary
once he found out
she was pregnant.
You had to send an angel
to straighten things out,
so he would accept you.
The people in Bethlehem
didn’t even want to give
a highly pregnant woman
a place to sleep and rest.
You had to be born
in a dirty stable
full with animals.
The local ruler
saw a threat
to his position
in you
and was ready
to kill you.
Your family had to flee
from the ruler
for they were fearing
for your life
and you were just a baby.
Later on
all the religious authorities
were worrying about their positions
and tried their best
to trick you
with their questions
so they could find
a reason to kill you.
Family, the community,
the government,
and the religious authorities
were all against you.
Yet here you are,
the very best thing
that could happen
to the world.
Your loving touch
reaches the heart
of the simple person
who is not blinded by
outward things
but aware of the
rotten condition
of his own heart.
Your mercy, grace and forgiveness
sets our relationship
to your father
straight again,
so that we can be
surrounded by his love
for all eternity.
You bring forgiveness
you bring healing
you bring restoration
you bring renewal
in a way that works
and in a way that no one
in this world can do.
You are the best gift
to the world
but so many
utterly reject you
before they even know
what you have come to do.
Thank you Jesus,
that you took
so much hardship
upon yourself
and spared no suffering
to set me free.

Theme:   The only one who can save us was first rejected 

He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.  John 1:11
(Bibel Quotation: NIV Translation)

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