Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just wait - Impatience

Just wait
(3004120527-0543, 1105121245-1302)

Why are you so impatient?
Why does everything
need to be done by yesterday?
Good things take their time.

Bad habits develop quickly
but to undo them,
trying new things
and practicing them
just takes it’s time.
Be patient with yourself –
don’t give up.
Try it until you are satisfied.
Do not let yourself
be discouraged
by your surroundings.
Stop criticizing
yourself and others all the time –
that only leads
to frustration and anger
and we already have
enough of that.
Don’t keep adding to it.
Be patient with others;
they are also still developing.
But if you saw off
each others heads
with your impatience
then you shouldn’t be surprised
if everyone walks around
feeling  so inferior.
Just wait,
be patient and nice
to yourself and your neighbor
because good things
need time to grow.

Theme:   Impatience

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