Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mail from me --- I have heard you series poem 2

Mail from me --- I have heard you series poem 2
(1103021100/ 1903022048)

You don’t know me.
How could you?
I’m not upset with you about it.
That’s why I will make the first step
and introduce myself to you a little bit.
I’m not as you think.
I’m bigger then you could ever imagine.
You can spend the rest of your life
thinking about me.
At the end you will know a lot,
but one thing you will know for sure :
I am just a number too big for your small brain.
That’s why I will start by telling you
what my goals are.
How I achieve my goals
will forever be a mystery to you.
You know, for me there are
no surprises and no detours.
Nothing happens too late
and nothing too early.
I pursue a goal
with the good and the bad
that happens in this world.
You will never be able
to understand my plan
and that is not
the most important
for you anyway.
The things that happen
in this world
hurt me.
I see good and well
how you destroy
each other constantly.
Even with the thoughts
that you nurture and hide
inside your heads.
I know you
through and through,
there isn’t a thing
you can keep from me.
You know what?
Everything could be so different.
That is why it is about time
that I introduce myself:
I created you with a free will.
Where it led you till today,
you know good and well.
I know
that you are not satisfied
with the way
you live your life
right now.
There is always the longing
for safety and security,
the desire
to finally be understood right
and the endless striving for real love.
I do not need to list to you
the things you have experienced,
you know them yourself good and well.
By the way - I know them too.
That’s why I’m writing you.
There is really something better
then you know.
Of course you need to be willing
to be truthful with yourself
and start looking for me.
You know,
you can find me everywhere:
In your conscience
your thoughts
in nature
and there are even some people,
that may remind you
in their being and in what they do
a bit about me.
Just open your eyes
you will be surprised.
I am merciful
and almost endlessly patient
and I love you very much.
To love you,
to heal your wounds
and to bring you back to me
has been my highest goal
from the start.
Stop running away from me,
I am the only one who can heal you.
I wish so much
that you would get to know me better.

     Your Creator

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