Friday, August 17, 2012

When a hard cry will not do anymore - Who is left to comfort at the end

When a hard cry will not do anymore

There are times
in life
when crying
does not relieve
the pressure
that is inside of me.
No words
are adequate
to express the feelings,
no emotion
strong enough
to bring relief,
no distraction
big enough
to make me forget.
The pain
and the devastation
is just so overwhelming.
All I can do
is scream to God
for he is
the only one
who knows exactly
what I am going through
at this very moment.
Though I cannot understand
the reason behind
what had happened
and I have
more questions
then answers,
I need you badly now.
Please comfort my soul
or it will fall apart.
Please touch my heart,
for I feel like dying
out of despair.
Please forgive me,
for I have ignored you
for so long!
Please restore me,
for any desire
to go on
has vanished.
You are the one
who can hold me
for I have lost everything
that was dear to me.                       
When a hard cry,
will not do anymore
I know that you will.        
Please let me
discover you
more and more
for you are the only one
who can touch
my heart right now.

Theme:   Who is left to comfort at the end

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