Friday, August 3, 2012

My dear one --- I have heard you series poem 3

My dear one

Today you are getting a very special letter from me.
I want to give you a chance
to get to know me a bit better
and to understand yourself a bit better too.
It was me who thought you up,
me who made you,
and you know what,
- I don’t make any mistakes.
Your body doesn’t have to be perfect
in order to be accepted by me.
Your life situation doesn’t have to be ideal
in order for me to welcome you.
I know that the world in which you live 
is broken and scattered,
 but that doesn’t keep me from loving you.
Did you know,
that I am with you all the time
and walk with  you step by step?
Did you know,
that I know your thoughts
before they enter your mind?
I am glad when you are doing well
and you are happy.
I am sad when you have compromised with wrong
even when you know good and well,
that it will not do you any good
in the long run and hurts others in the process.
I want to comfort you,
when you get hurt and hit in your face
with another hard corner of this unjust world.
Sometimes I get the feeling,
you don’t even recognize that I am here.
I am there and want to help you
where you  hurt the most,
 - but you ignore me.
I send you people
who show you a bit of my love for you,
 - but you don’t care about them.
You have entrenched yourself in your own hole,
turned bitter and lonely.  - What a pity.
You do not care to know,
that I am concerned about your well-being
and can help you,
 - that makes me sad.
How much longer do you want
to waste your time
and toss yourself around in your own misery?
I will be with you for your whole life
and come alongside of you.
It is my utmost desire
that you will recognize me
one day  and come to see,
that it is me
who allows you to experience good,
it is me,
who gives you hope to start out with,
it is me
who gives you the strength to endure.
And it is me
who loves you
 and wants to take your load from you.

Your Creator

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