Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Creator why? - Why so much hardship?

Creator why?


why does life
have to be so difficult
at times?

It becomes unbearable
and the load is to much.
The emotional pain
is so hard,
that my whole routine
gets interrupted.

It’s like walking
though a desert
with no oasis in sight
and nothing left to drink.

Why is it,
that you allow
all this pain and misery?
Why is there
all this injustice in the world?
All the suffering
and all the pain,
death and dying
in such miserable conditions,
what is your purpose
behind all of it?

Right now,
I have been hit so hard,
that I’m loosing control.
My life is falling apart
in a matter
of a very short time.
Everything I have
built up over all this time
seems to go
down the drain.
And I stand there
and can do
nothing about it.

You as a Creator
see all that is going on.
Why don’t you do
anything about it?

What kind
of a Creator are you
if you want me
to have faith in you
and trust your goodness?

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