Friday, July 27, 2012

Not my whole heart - Dissatisfied due to half-heartedness

Not my whole heart

I did not give you
my whole heart
when I turned to you.
For obvious sins
I asked for forgiveness,
but I was
not at all ready
to let go
of my anger
and my bitterness,
of my rage and hatred,
of me dreading things and my fear,
of my whining and complaining,
of my envy and jealousy,
and my distress and my worries.
Humans just hurt me too much
and I wanted to hold on to
my disappointment
about that.
For a long time I thought
I was living a good life
because I prayed a lot
and did all those
religious things.
Sometimes however
I was wondering
why others
had so many
experiences with you
and I come away empty-handed.
All along I knew the verse
that when I search for you
with all of my heart
I will find you too.
My heart was full
of ugliness
and there was
no room for you.
How did you want to fill me
when I was already full?
How should I hear you
when it was screaming inside of me?
How should I experience you
when I was full of rage inside?
How should you be able
to spend time with me
when I was totally
busy with myself?
Even with my religious appearance
I was full of toxic waste
and my surroundings knew that.
Only after I realized
you wanted
so much more
than only my visible sins
could I start
to clean up my heart
and bring
everything within it
to you.
I had not given you
my whole heart
when I turned to you,
but that has changed now.
No, I could not really
experience you with half a heart
but now
that I gave you everything
I realize
you are there for me
all the way!
Thank you.

Theme: Dissatisfied due to half-heartedness

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