Wednesday, July 11, 2012

If you would realize - Many things would be different

If you would realize
(2703120649-0657, 2703120709-0716)

If you would realize
how much I love you
you would not do
so many stupid things
and justify yourself.
If you would realize
that I have good plans for you
then you would make good plans
for yourself as well.
If you would realize
that I am always there for you
then you would never feel
lonely and deserted.
If you would realize
that I am the only one who can help
then you would
not expect your help from people
and  be disappointed.
If you would realize
that happiness and satisfaction
ultimately only come from me
then you would not look for them
in such ridiculous places.
If you would realize
that my heart was pierced
so that yours can live
then you would want to
get to know me more
so that you can find the joy
that you had been longing for
all along.

Theme:   Many things would be different

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