Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My own will - Where my own will gets me

My own will

My own will
is so often in my way.
What makes me so stubborn?
What causes me to pout?
What keeps me holding on
to a past that was so painful?
What in me would rather hate
then forgive?
My own will
is so often in my way.
What is it within me
that would rather think negatively
and be ruled by those thoughts?
What is it that makes me
hold on to grudges
and not let go?
My own will
is so often in my way.
What makes me want to
dominate rather than to serve?
What causes me
to take rather than to give?
What in me wants to oppress
rather than to nourish?
My own will
is so often in my way.
What power is my will obeying?
What is it that causes me
to choose the wrong thing
and bring about destruction
more often than I want?
My own will
is so often in my way.
What do I get
when I let my own will rule?
There is noting but brokenness,
sickness and loss
that comes
out of my own selfish will.

Theme:   Where my own will gets me

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