Wednesday, July 18, 2012

That's why - Why life is so difficult at times

That’s why

My Child,

you will never
fully understand me,
because my ways
lead you through
good and bad.
There are hilltops
and dark narrow valleys
in your life.

If you would
only have a good life,
you would never learn
to trust me,
you would not grow
in patience
and you would never
understand those
who have a hard time.

I promised you
to lead you
through everything
and you will come out
strengthened if you trust in me.

I bring about situations
that bring you
to the end of yourself,
only to test you
to see if you
really count on me.

I’m with you
in every situation,
but I have the feeling
that in good times
you forgot about me.
I’m sending you
hard times
to teach you
how little you
actually are in control
of your own life.
I want you to learn
to depend upon me,
for I am the one
who was there
when you got into the desert
and I am the one,
who will get you out of it
and give you to drink
in the mean time.

I know how to heal
your hurting soul
it is only me
who can bind up
your wounds.

I’m making you stronger
and able to help others
but you got to lean on me
all the way through.

Do not numb yourself out
with alcohol
or use other distractions
when times get tough.
Run to me
and keep your head clear,
for you are
going to need it now
to make wise and good choices
otherwise you will fail
and self-destruct.

It is the hard times
I use to train you.
It is in the difficult times
that I teach you patience.

When your load
is too hard to carry
I have always been there
to carry it for you.
I walk alongside of you
your whole life long.
Look around
and you will find me.

One day
I will set an end
to all the bad everywhere
but until that time,
I will walk with you
through it.

For I have always
loved you!

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