Monday, July 23, 2012

Was it all in vain? - The purpose of life

Was it all in vain?

As a human
I enter this world
with nothing
and I leave this world
with nothing.
So what is the sense
in all of this?
What good is all the money,
all the power and prestige,
all the luxury
in the long run?
What lasting value
does it have?
Is all in vain?
I noticed
that it serves
as a distraction
for a little while
at best.
I have tried everything.
But in the time of crisis,
none of those things
can carry me through.
What is the sense
and purpose  in life
if those things don’t hold?
They only make me happy
for a short time.
They do not truly satisfy.
Is this all there is to life?
Everything I can accomplish?
Is that what life
is all about?
I can hardly believe it.
Doing good
and helping others –
that should be
the purpose of my life.
At least that is
what the Bible teaches.
I have to confess
that I thought of everything
except of that.
But if it is
the Creator’s instruction for me,
then he must have
a reason for it.
So I decided to try it out.
Doing good to those
who in my eyes
don’t deserve it
one bit.
Helping those
who are really hurting
instead of just my friends.
In the beginning
that was not easy
and I had to overcome
many hesitations,
but in the end
I received
so much pleasure
and inner joy
from doing this,
that I made a lifestyle
out of it.
And by now
I don’t just believe
but I know
that my life
is not in vain.

Theme:   The purpose of life

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.  (1. Timothy 6,18-19)

Bible quotation: NIV translation

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