Friday, July 13, 2012

Where to go with all the hatred? - Ways out of hatred

Where to go with all the hatred?

I hate
you hate
everyone hates
something or someone.
Why all that?
Where does all that lead to?
Where does it all come from?
How do we get rid of it again?
Hatred produces counter hatred.
It escalates more and more.
Out of small disagreements
grows turmoil in a whole country
and even wars between nations.
What good does that do?
Don’t we realize
what we cause by it?
Where to go with all the hatred?
Does no one know a way out?
What else do we want to ruin?
Who else do we want to destroy?
That does not make anything
good and right again.
It makes everything only worse.
One revenge leads to the next.
What good does it do
when the whole world
goes crazy and rages
because everyone freaks out
due to little causes?
We only get out
of this vicious circle
by being gracious,
practicing forgiveness,
and countering evil with good.
How this is done practically
and how it works long term
can be read in the Bible.
It is God’s path
out of our hatred
and our irreconcilability.

Theme:   Ways out of hatred

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